Eden excursions to destinations in Croatia
Croatian Eden Destinations

If you like hiking or biking, if you are a gourmet or a wine lover, it's time to visit Gornje Međimurje.
This green oasis is part of the UNESCO Mura - Drava - Danube Biosphere Reserve. In this part of Croatia you will surely eat the best pie međimurska gibanica to which even the strongest characters bow. Međimurje is known for its potatoes, pumpkin oil of exceptional quality, and buckwheat porridge is an indispensable specialty.

At the end of June, the town of Đurđevac from Podravina comes to life. The legend of Picoki becomes a reality. big>
Hundreds of extras and horsemen take part in this popular open-air theater play in honor of the name Picok, which is proudly carried by every Đurđevčani. Legend has it that in the 16th century, Ulama-beg decided to siege and starve its inhabitants in order to break the resistance under the fortress of Đurđevac.

The very first time you meet Vukovar, Vučedol and Ilok, you will understand why the title Eden went to the east of Croatia.
If you start from the Franciscan monastery and the church of St. Philip and James walk along the magnificent Danube, you will discover the baroque center of Vukovar, a protected historical center that makes a recognizable view of the city. You will pass by the Grammar School and the Eltz Castle which houses the City Museum, across the street from the 18th Century Srem County Palace, and a little further to the Workers' Home.

You will experience a completely different, unobtrusive and peaceful lifestyle in the interior of Istria, near the Renaissance town of Svetvincenat.
The beauty of nature, the simplicity of the countryside, the authentic cuisine and excellent wines, the pleasant hosts, are the complete opposite of all that everyday life brings to cities. Once a separate rural estate, Stancija 1904 is one of the most beautiful farms, only thirty kilometers from the Istrian centers of Pula, Rovinj and Umag.

The first capital of Croatian kings of the 9th century, except for its rich cultural heritage - which includes the smallest cathedral in the world.
All the secrets of the Croatian people, many point out, lie in the walls of Nin, a town only 14 km from Zadar. It is the oldest Croatian royal city, the first capital of Croatian kings of the 9th century. Located on an island just 500 meters in diameter, with land connected to two centuries-old stone bridges, it has witnessed many historical events.

From the peaks of Zavizan and Alan there is a beautiful view of the sea and Lika, in the Velebit Botanical Gardens you can enjoy the richness of the rich coniferous forests.
Lubenovac, a spacious Velebit lawn with numerous remains of old dwellings and dry walls, testifies to the former life of the people on the mountain, and the Premužić trail leads through the most beautiful parts of northern Velebit. Hard-to-walk forests, docks, karst valleys, pits and sinkholes, puddles and shrubs, large blocks of rocks, all of this is North Velebit, a magical mountain that has been granted the status of a national park since 1999. In its preserved ecosystem there is a bear, a wolf, a lynx and a suri eagle.